The General Educational Development (GED) tests are a collection of four subject tests that, if passed, demonstrate that the test taker has high school-level academic skills in the United States or Canada.
But which GED test is the easiest? RLA is the most straightforward of the four GED test subjects. It only takes a few minutes to read excerpts, demonstrate comprehension, draw conclusions, and write clearly. This article will go over the GED test and its subjects in greater detail.
Let’s get started with our free GED practice test to pass the exam on the first try with a high score.
What Is The GED Test?
The General Educational Development (GED) exams consist of four academic topic assessments. Test takers who pass these exams are certified as having high school-level academic skills in the United States or Canada. This qualification, like HiSET, is an alternative to the US high school diploma. Passing the GED test allows persons who did not finish high school or do not satisfy the criteria for a high school diploma to obtain a Certificate of High School Equivalency or a similarly named credential.
What Are Covered On GED Test?
In some states, the aspiring test-taker must be at least 16 years old and not enrolled in any high school. These requirements differ from state to state.
GED tests verify a person’s knowledge in five related areas.
- Reading
- Science
- History and Social Sciences
- Mathematics
- Writing
The time frame for taking each subject’s tests is as follows:
- The first writing section consists of 50 questions that must be answered in 80 minutes. You have 45 minutes to complete the second writing aspect.
- There are 50 questions in the maths section. The total time for the answer and completion is 90 minutes.
- There are 50 questions in the social studies section. The total time for the answer and completion is 70 minutes.
- There are 40 questions in the reading section. The total time for the answer and completion is 65 minutes.
1. English Language (Reasoning Through Language Arts)
This subject test is intended to assess your knowledge and logical thinking skills.
It focuses on the areas of reading comprehension, language norms, grammar, and writing essays.
Three main topics are covered in this sub-test.
- Reading Comprehension. A narrative text will be provided to you. You have to answer questions based on the passage.
- Grammar and Language Conventions. You’ll be given a brief passage with grammatical inconsistencies and mistakes. You need to choose the best or most accurate answer choice.
- Writing. You will write an article based on the information provided in two passages.
The GED Thinking by Language Arts subtest takes 150 minutes to complete, with a 10-minute break.
The reading comprehension section assesses your degree of comprehension. You should be able to interpret meaning from written fiction and nonfiction texts.
The Grammatical section assesses your conventions, language, and grammar knowledge. A series of short passages will be shown to you. After that, you will then address your subject comprehension skills including punctuation, language use, sentence form, and structure.
You will need to write a five-part essay. You’ll be required to indicate which of the two points of view on the contemporary topic is better endorsed.
2. Social Studies
The GED Social Studies subtest should take you 70 minutes to complete. It is divided into four main subject areas:
- The United States and World History
- Civics and the Organization of Government
- Economics
- Geography
The GED Social Studies test is based on documents. This means that every question includes a reference, a text, a map, a cartoon, a graph, or a photograph, and so on.
This test subject assesses your ability to comprehend and interpret information from documents. It is not necessary to decipher a lot of names and dates.
3. Science
The Science part of the GED exam evaluates your knowledge of scientific principles. Each issue in this area of the exam is associated with one of three scientific subjects:
- Astronomy
- Earth Science
- Physics and Biology
These are the subjects that are most commonly taught in high school. In addition, these are considered to be the most appropriate subjects for adults in the modern environment.
This subject breakdown is as follows: Environmental science accounts for 20% of the research exam, earth science for 40%, and biological topics for 40%.
A piece of information, whether it’s an image, a text passage, or something else, arrives with half of this section of the exam. Each one is accompanied by three questions.
To pass this exam, you do not need to have a solid knowledge of science. With a basic understanding of scientific principles, you can solve each problem. There will be no questions about issues that are more in-depth.
4. Math (Mathematical Reasoning)
The GED Math subject test is 115 minutes in length and has 46 questions.
It evaluates your ability to solve mathematical problems using logical reasoning. The following are the core fields of the GED Math Exam:
- Data Analysis (median, mean, mode, and probability)
- Geometry (3D shapes, perimeter, area, volume, and circumference of a circle)
- Arithmetic (fractions, decimals, numbers sense, rates, percentages)
- Algebra (solving equations and algebraic expressions)
There are a few things you are not going to find on the math subtest. There are no questions about trigonometry and calculus, nor complex math formulas to memorize. You will be provided a sheet with math calculations to use.
There are two sections in the math section. Part one does not allow you to use a calculator. You can use the on-screen calculator in the second part. It must be the Texas Instruments TI-30XS Scientific Calculator if you bring your own.
The following will be covered on the GED math subtest:
- Number Sense
- Number Operations
- Polynomials
- Solving Equations
- Algebra
- Functions & Patterns
- Geometry
- Estimation
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Graphing
- Probability
As previously stated, there are two timed math parts, the first of which does not allow you to use a calculator. In the second part, you will be able to do so. The set of questions is multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, or draggable.
There are other problems in the graphs that you should interpret in detail. Some need you to fill in the blanks with your answers. You must also solve word problems based on the various details presented in maps, tables, graphs, and diagrams.
Which GED Test Is The Easiest?
In the United States, there are many people who have not completed high school. GED testing exists to provide high school dropouts with a second chance to find a well-paying career.
Register for the GED test if you want to demonstrate your high school skills and knowledge.
What is the easiest GED test? The easiest of the four GED test subjects is Reasoning Through Language Arts. It merely requires reading excerpts, demonstrating comprehension, making conclusions, and writing clearly.
Practice this section with our GED Language Arts Practice Test
What Is The Hardest Subject On The GED Test?
Mathematics, according to the majority of GED test-takers, is the most difficult subject. It’s no surprise, as most people take Mathematics as their last GED test.
However, you can learn this section better with our GED Math practice test
Which GED Test Should I Take First?
Many students need to know which of the four GED subtests to take first. This is a difficult question to answer because every student is different, with their own talents, preferences, and skills.
In general, however, most GED students find Mathematics to be the most difficult and challenging of the four GED modules (subtests). Taking the most difficult GED subject first may not be the best way to gain self-confidence and get used to the testing format.
Many students started with the subtest Reasoning through Language Arts, believing it to be the easiest, and then move on to Mathematics. Working in this way has the advantage of assimilating them to the computer-based test format and allowing them to build confidence by completing the “easiest” section first.
Many GED test takers prefer to start with the Science subtest. Science has the highest pass rate of the four GED subtests, making it the easiest for many students.
Since the pass rates for reasoning through Language Arts and Social Studies are similar, it’s safe to assume that both sections are in the same difficulty range.
With a far lower pass rate on the Math GED subtest, we can assume that this section is significantly more difficult for many students.
There are some students that emphasize what they find most difficult in order to avoid being startled by more difficult subjects or disappointments along the way.
They think that if they pass Math first, for instance, the rest will be easy. However, this is such a personal decision.
Students who love subjects such as geography, history, or biology might benefit from taking the GED Social Studies or Science test first.
Many students choose to begin with the parts that are the simplest for them.
Is the GED test hard?
The GED test is difficult since it is very time-pressured. The GED, on the other hand, is rather simple if you prepare with good materials. The GED test provides you with limited time (between 70 and 150 minutes, depending on the subject) to answer 35-40 questions.
How many tests are in the GED?
The GED consists of four separate subject tests that take approximately seven and a half hours to complete in total. To get your GED certification, you must pass all four tests.
Is GED multiple-choice?
The GED is a computer-based test. The types of questions you will see include fill-in-the-blank, multiple-choice, drop-down, and extended response, among others. Each exam has a 100-200 point score range, with a passing score of 145.
How many times can you take the GED test?
Students can take the test as many times as they need with GED Testing Service. Students must pay the full test fee each time they take the test.
Can I use a calculator for the GED?
The GED exam allows you to use a calculator. You can use, however, only one type, the TI-30XS Multiview Scientific Calculator. This calculator is included along with your test and is displayed as a digital version, so you won’t need to buy or bring it with you.
What happens after you pass all 4 parts of the GED?
After passing the four GED subtests, you are qualified for one free electronic diploma or certificate (depending on your state) and one transcript, as well as one printed diploma/certificate for the cost of shipping.
Final Words
You now have an answer to the question, “Which GED test is the easiest?” If you are prepared, the GED test will be simple and easy. The most common reason people find the test difficult is a lack of time to catch up on the basics.
The GED exam is similar to any other test. If you plan well, you will excel and pass the exam faster.
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