GED Math Practice Test

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Dealing with the GED Math test can be a tough experience. There’s so much to learn and remember, and especially if you don’t know where to start, preparation can be so hard. But we got you! This post not only helps you discover not only an overview of the GED math exam including the format, content, and test-taking strategies but also attaches our free GED Math practice test resource for you to try.

If you’re nervous about your GED math test, you know you’re not alone! By getting familiar with what appears on the test, you can improve your math skills as much as possible.

Below is 10 samples of our free GED Math practice test. These GED practice questions are created to cover the same topics that are found on the actual test. To take more practice questions for Math and other GED sections, or take the full GED practice tests 2024, visit our homepage now!

Following the questions, you can review each answer, check the explanation as well as the correct solutions. As we all know, Math covers lots of different kinds of math topics. But what kind of math is expected on the test? Here are sample GED questions with answers along with a detailed explanation followed.

Our GED Math Practice Test

GED Math Practice Test GED Math Practice Test

What's on the GED Math Test

The Mathematical Reasoning section basically measures two particular skills: your ability to solve problems through algebraic knowledge, and through quantitative reasoning. While algebraic material appears on the test questions at a rate of 55%, the 45% left belongs to quantitative material. The aim of concentrating on these two specific areas of mathematics comes from official research suggesting that people who lack understanding of them are likely to struggle afterward upon entering college, and more tend to have to take remedial courses to catch up with their peers.

You should get familiar with arithmetic and math concepts, measurements, and equations, and apply math concepts to solve real-life problems. Don't forget the math test is not a test about memorization! You'll be allowed to access a formula sheet that provides you with information as how to calculate the area for various shapes. Let's get to know more about the GED math test.

Read more >> Best GED Math Study Guide In 2024

How many questions are there on the GED math test?

There are a total of 46 questions on the GED Math test. These questions are divided into two parts; 5 questions on the first part and 41 questions on the second part. These questions are a mix of various formats such as multiple-choice, multiple-select, drag-and-drop, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and table entry. Our free GED Math practice test is designed as close as possible to the actual test to help students familiarize themself with the test format.

How many scores do you need to pass the GED math?

The GED Math Test takes you 115 minutes to finish its questions which are broken into 4 main categories.

In order to pass the GED Math test, you have to correctly complete 30-32 of the questions. The Math questions are split into these four topics:

  • Solving Equations: 30%
  • Graphs & functions: 25%
  • Number Sense, Order of Operation, and Probability: 25%
  • Geometry: 20%

What should I study for the GED math test?

You will get to review your knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills involving whole numbers. These skills are indispensable for success in passing the GED Math test.

So, you should be familiar with the math topics that are included in the GED Math Test. You will find a full overview of those math topics as follows:

Number Sense

Number sense questions test your ability to solve math problems related to:

  • Ordering numbers on a number line, that includes positive & negative numbers, fractions, and decimals.
  • Rounding and estimating numbers.
  • Calculating ratios, proportions, and percent.
  • Calculate exponents, convert fractions to decimals, and vice versa.
  • Applying the order of operations rules (PEMDAS)

These topics are not too complicated and difficult to handle, and you can use a provided scientific calculator to solve the majority of these questions.


Algebra requires you to solve the following problems:

  • Evaluating algebraic expressions and polynomials.
  • Solving equations with one or two variables; systems of equations.
  • Solving quadratic equations.
  • Solving inequalities.
  • Evaluating functions.

Tip: Many Algebra questions can also be solved with the assistance of only a scientific calculator.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis GED Math Test contains such topics as:

  • Calculations of mode, range, mean, and median.
  • Finding probability.

Tip: Use and remember given Math formulas along with a scientific calculator to solve these questions more easily.


Geometry questions on the GED Math ask you to show your knowledge about:

  • Area and perimeter of squares, triangles, and circles.
  • The volume of a prism, cone, sphere, or pyramid.

Tips: You are allowed access to Math geometric formulas, and you can solve most Geometry questions by referring to those formulas.


Graphing problems include topics relating to:

  • Coordinate plane (points, lines, & shapes) questions
  • Slopes and equations of lines.

Tip: You can refer to the provided Math formula sheet including three slope formulas.

Word problems

The GED Math test also contains various word problem questions. These questions combine many topics, such as solving equations and geometry or probability. Even though they seem to be challenging, they involve rather simple math. So, you only need to translate words into math.

To master the word problem-solving skills, you should take many practice tests to understand these questions’ format. Free GED Math practice test is available on our website.

What to Expect on the Math GED Test

As mentioned, the Math GED Test will be done in two parts, 115 minutes in total. The first part will have 5 questions, and the second part will include 41 questions. The math GED questions have numerous enhanced question types:

  • Multiple-choice: This is the most popular type of assessment question. Multiple-choice questions require the test taker to choose one correct answer out of 4 or 5 possible answer choices.
  • Multiple-select: This format of the question is a little different than multiple-choice. Multiple-select questions require the test taker to select all of the correct answer choices among a number of given choices. Instead of having just one right answer, there could be 2 or more right answers.
  • Fill-in-the-blank: This kind of question requires the student to type their answer into a box after the question, or a box that is part of a sentence. In the math GED test, the answer is often numerical but sometimes can be a written word or short phrase.
  • Drag-and-drop: In this type of question, when the student clicks and holds on one of the draggable options, they can drag it to a “target” region to answer the question correctly. Sometimes there might be two or more target regions to fill in.
  • Matching: As it's named, to answer this kind of question, the student has to check a box when the information in a column matches the information in a row.
  • Table entry: This kind of question is usually used for a table of values with two columns. Certain cells in the table will provide a box where the student would type in a number so that the table is correct.

Can I use a calculator on the GED math test?

You do not need to bring a calculator when you take the GED. You only are allowed to use 1 kind of calculator on the GED Test. It needs to be a TI-30 XS, a scientific calculator. An embedded TI-30XS on-screen calculator will be available for some of the math questions.

The TI-30 XS calculator comes in two versions of the situation.

You can use it as a device or as a digital, on-screen version. During the GED Math test, you will also be allowed to access a digital, on-screen version of the calculator.

If you are taking the test in a traditional test center, you can bring your own handheld TI-30 XS calculator. But if you choose to take the Math test online, you must use the digital version of the TI-30 XS.

Questions that need to use a TI-30 XS on basic math skills such as multiplying decimals, adding fractions, using long division, exponents, and other foundational math skills will not have the on-screen calculator.