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In humans, a pair of chromosomes (one from each parent) determines the sex of the baby. Females have two X chromosomes, while males have an X and a Y chromosome. The baby always gets an X chromosome from the mother, so in humans, the father determines the sex of the baby by supplying it with either an X chromosome to make it female, or a Y chromosome to make it male. In birds, like in humans, a pair of chromosomes determines the sex. Birds with two W chromosomes are male. Birds with a W chromosome and a Z chromosome are female. Which statement is true about birds?

A The female bird determines the sex of the offspring by supplying it with the W or the Z chromosome.

In humans, the sperm determines the sex of the child because the male has two different chromosomes. In birds, the female has two different chromosomes, so she determines the sex of the offspring. Birds have Ws and Zs, not Xs and Ys like humans.

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