To pass your GED exam with the highest score, use our free GED practice test for 2024. Our GED practice questions and answers will help you prepare thoroughly for the official GED test.
Our free online GED test prep contains instant scoring and answers explanations - and there's no need to register! Do you know that one of the most effective strategies to prepare for an exam is to take practice exams? We're sure that this is a great place for you to start your preparation.
GED Test stands for General Educational Development Test. After graduating from high school, you will normally receive a diploma stating that you’ve finished all the required courses to graduate. Some students in high school are close to completing and getting a diploma but don’t quite get there. In those cases, students have to take a series of tests that will indicate whether or not they have a high school level of education. This is well known as the GED test.
The GED test has four main topics of testing:
You will take 4 separate tests that together make up the entire GED exam. Each topic test takes at least 1 hour, and you have to get a certain score in order to pass. You can schedule 1 test at a time or all 4 at once.
The GED test includes a handful of question types to measure how much wider the variety of test takers' knowledge and skill levels are. There is the traditional multiple-choice question format, and drag-and-drop, hot spot, fill-in-the-blank, and extended response (short and long essay) types also. The GED test is available in both English and Spanish.
Make sure to read all of the information about the GED test that is available on this website. It's created for you to know everything you need for the exam!
This is the GED test time for each section:
Language Arts | 150 minutes |
Math | 115 minutes |
Science | 90 minutes |
Social Studies | 70 minutes |
The details of the GED test subjects are shown below.
There are about 49 questions in all (multiple choice, drop-down, and other formats). The test is divided into two components. The second component allows you to utilize a TI-30XS calculator, but not the first. You'll also get a math formula reference page, so you won't have to memorize any arithmetic formulae!
The following are some of the primary subjects covered:
The GED math test evaluates a student's ability in the following areas:
You can use our GED Math Practice Test to study for this section.
Grammar and language, analyzing and developing arguments, and reading for meaning are all covered on the GED Reasoning Through Language Arts test.
Extended Response is the first section (essay) The remaining two sections (reading and language) contain multiple-choice, drop-down, short-answer, and other question styles. Students are given short reading passages (400 to 900 words) and are given a variety of reading comprehension questions. Around 75% of the reading portions are informative, while the remaining 25% are literary. The texts are of varying degrees of difficulty, with a concentration on career and college-level reading.
The Reasoning Through Language Arts section contains some kinds of written response, either essay, short essay, or short answer (several sentences) items. See more specific descriptions of each test section for details. They are placed in our GED practice test free 2024. Check it out!
The RLA exam measures a student's ability to:
There are approximately 40 questions (multiple-choice, drop-down, and other question types). Your test may include two short answer questions that could take 10 minutes each to complete. You also may use a TI-30XS calculator in this section.
The topics covered in the GED science test include reading for meaning in science, using numbers and graphics, and designing and interpreting science experiments.
The following are some of the scientific fields that are covered:
The GED Science test assesses the following abilities:
There are about 44 questions in all (multiple choice, drop-down, and other formats). A TI-30XS calculator is permitted for use by students.
The following are some of the primary subjects covered:
The reasoning abilities of students are assessed in three areas:
The following are the four main content areas:
Want to know more about earning your GED credential? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Obtaining a GED is worthwhile, and we’re here to help you discover more about GED as well as provide you FREE GED practice test. Check out our GED practice test now!
It is said that practice makes perfect. Complete as many GED practice tests as you can:
In your study sessions, review all of the questions you got wrong. Take GED practice tests with time constraints that you set for yourself.
There are numerous advantages to studying for your GED exam with free practice tests, and using example questions to study for your GED exam is one of the most effective study methods available. The following are some of the benefits of using sample GED practice tests:
We have to say our GED practice test questions are collected and updated carefully based on the annual GED test. Then, our GED practice test would go through the triple-check by our brightest minds. In other words, we always try to improve the quality as well as quantity of our GED practice test questions in order to be as identical as possible to the real test.
Besides the practice questions system, we also provide the most detailed explanation for each question, which helps you understand the roots of the problems and rarely make that mistake again and pass the test right the first go! We're proud that our free GED practice test 2024, which is one of the best platforms to practice, has been helping many contestants pass the test much more easily!
Our GED practice test is designed as a game that helps you feel more interesting while doing tests.
Follow these techniques when you're ready to begin taking practice tests:
→ The GED is a high school equivalency diploma, so you can use it to apply to university or for a job resume, just like you would with a high school diploma. More than 98% of schools in the United States accept the GED, including community colleges, universities, and private schools.
→ How long it takes to get your GED all depends on your skill level and education. On average, it takes 3 months, but it could be faster depending on how prepared you are for the exam. Check out the step-by-step process you will need to follow to successfully get your GED on this website.
→ According to the majority of GED test-takers, Mathematics is the hardest one. No surprise here. Most people take Mathematics as their last test when taking the GED exam.
→ On a scale from 100 to 200, you must score at least 145 to pass each subject test, and at least 580 to pass the GED as a whole. Of the 4 subject tests, math is generally the most difficult, and the one that students most frequently fail. Fortunately, you only need to retake the subject tests that you don't pass.
We hope that our free GED practice exams are helpful for you! The sample GED practice exam questions we've provided above will help you prepare thoroughly for your final exam and identify areas that you should improve. Thus, take our free GED practice test, learn from other resources, and go over the areas that you need to improve. Best of luck!